Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Selection of literature to read.

After doing some more research i've come up with a list of books to read in the near future to build my skills and knowledge base.

It's quite obvious in order to be successful in my endeavours I need to develop the correct skill set and mind set to accommodate for the changes and risks which I intend to take. Knowledge is power.
  • Rich dad, poor dad, by Robert T. Kiyosaki - A perfect book for getting you head in the right spot to start a business. 
  • The automatic millionaire, by David bach - Teaches you how to manage your finances. A basic guide to "saving $5 a day to become a millionaire in the future." See alsoUnderstanding and controlling your finances. 
  • The one minute millionare, by Victor Mark Hansen - a little over the top, but encourages you to think differently about starting companies and building wealth. 
  • How to be a billionaire, by Martin Fridson - Really makes you look at the world differently. 
  • The Warren Buffet Way, by Robert Hagstrom - Not light reading, but helps you see how one of the richest men in the world thinks about the business world. 
  • Never Eat Alone, by Keith Ferrazzi - Helps you to think about business relationships differently.
After the Initial 6 I will move more into the "how it was done" I find reading real life stories from rags to riches is the content I'm seeking and constantly finding interesting. Always a good idea to see how the greats have managed to pull off such success.
  • The Sam Walton Story, by Austin Teutsch - Tells how Sam Walton went from being a guy with one little store in Arkansas to the richest man in the world. 
  • Dave's Way, by David Thomas - The story of Dave Thomas, the founder of Wendy's. He started as an orphan bussing tables in a restaurant, and he went on to create an empire. 
  • Built from scratch - the subtitle says it all: "How a Couple of Regular Guys Grew The Home Depot from Nothing to $30 Billion" 
  • Nuts!, by Kevin Freiberg - The story of Southwest Airlines. 
  • Be my guest, by Conrad Hilton - The story of Hilton Hotels.


    1. Warren Buffet Way is a must read...very enlightening and interesting

    2. im interested, looking to get rich myself
      follow bck brosky
