Monday, January 17, 2011

Discussions and opportunities.

Opportunity 1, In my current position as a financial planner I am presented with the opportunity to buy-out the business I currently work in. The time line being 5-10 years to obtain almost complete ownership. This however in my opinion is the safe option. It means sticking with the first job I've had since university. This means sticking out the only career path I've known for the next decade of my life. This would be an excellent path to follow if It wasn't in a small country town which I've spent the majority now of my life.

I can assume that this path will produce a million bucks. But who knows what could happen in the unknown.  Without assessing my other options I have very little to compare it against. The next 6 months I need to concentrate on learning what else is out there. Whilst moving towards the money.

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